Artículos publicados

Manufacture of a 4-Degree-of-Freedom Robot to Support an IRB 120 Robot

In this work, we present the construction and control of a four-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) manipulator aimed at addressing one of the key challenges faced by the Academy-Industry Cooperation Center (CCAI): the need for mechatronic equipment to support and facilitate the development of advanced robotic cells. We begin by designing the robot’s structure and components using SolidWorks software for computer-aided design (CAD) modeling. This ensures that all the links and parts fit together properly without collisions. The robot links are then manufactured using 3D printing. Additionally, we performed kinematic modeling, dynamic analysis, and PI-V control, along with control using a trigonometric function (hyperbolic tangent). To evaluate the robot’s movement, we simulate these processes using Matlab R2019a/Simulink software, focusing on key parameters such as position, velocity, and acceleration, which inform the design of PI-V control for each link. We also present the electrical and electronic designs, followed by system implementation. The kinematics of the robot play a crucial role in the dynamics and controller design. We validate the kinematics using Peter Corke’s libraries based on the Denavit–Hartenberg parameters. The results show that the controller based on the trigonometric function improves the response time, particularly enhancing the performance of axes 2 and 3. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Synchronization of a New Chaotic System Using Adaptive Control: Design and Experimental Implementation

This paper presents the design of an adaptive controller that solves the synchronization control problem of two identical Nwachioma chaotic systems in a master-slave configuration. The closed-loop stability is guaranteed by means of a Lyapunov-like analysis. With the aim of verifying the feasibility and performance of the proposed approach, a comparison with an active control algorithm is developed at the numerical simulation level. Based on such results, the master-slave Nwachioma chaotic system in closed-loop with adaptive control is now being experimentally tested by using two personal computers and two low-cost Arduino UNO boards. The experimental results not only show the good performance of the adaptive control but also that Arduino UNO boards are an excellent option for the experimental setup. click here for the most recent version of the paper

The regulation of an electric oven and an inverted pendulum

In this research, a proportional integral derivative regulator, a first-order sliding-mode regulator, and a second-order sliding-mode regulator are compared, for the regulation of two different types of mathematical model. A first-order sliding-mode regulator is a method where a sign-mapping checks that the error decays to zero after a convergence time; it has the problem of chattering in the output. A second-order sliding-mode regulator is a smooth method to counteract the chattering effect where the integral of the sign-mapping is used. A second-order sliding-mode regulator is presented as a new class of algorithm where the trajectory is asymptotic and stable; it is shown to greatly improve the convergence time in comparison with other regulators considered. Simulation and experimental results are described in which an electric oven is considered as a stable linear mathematical model, and an inverted pendulum is considered as an asymmetrical unstable non-linear mathematical model. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Convergent Newton method and neural network for the electric energy usage prediction

In the neural network adaptation, the Newton method could find a minimum with its second-order partial derivatives, and convergent gradient steepest descent could assure its error convergence with its time-varying adaptation rates. In this article, the convergent Newton method is proposed as the combination of the Newton method and the convergent gradient steepest descent for the neural networks adaptation, where the convergent Newton method incorporates the second-order partial derivatives inside of the time-varying adaptation rates. Hence, the convergent Newton method could assure its error convergence and could find a minimum. Experiments show that the convergent Newton method obtains satisfactory results in the electric energy usage data prediction. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Adapting H-Infinity Controller for the Desired Reference Tracking of the Sphere Position in the Maglev Process

The Maglev process consists in a magnetic field generated by the modulation of a coil current which yields the sphere levitation. Foucault current is the current transmitted from the coil to a sphere in the Maglev process which yields the undesired sphere vibrations. In this study, an adapting H-infinity controller is introduced as the combination of the adapting and H-infinity strategies for the desired reference tracking of the sphere position in the Maglev process. The adapting strategy is used for the unknown dynamics estimation, and the H-infinity strategy is used for the desired reference tracking. The Lyapunov technique is used to satisfy the error convergence and the H-infinity criterion. Two simulations show the efectiveness of the considered method for the desired reference tracking of the sphere position in the Maglev process. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Hessian with Mini-Batches for Electrical Demand Prediction

The steepest descent method is frequently used for neural network tuning. Mini-batches are commonly used to get better tuning of the steepest descent in the neural network. Nevertheless, steepest descent with mini-batches could be delayed in reaching a minimum. The Hessian could be quicker than the steepest descent in reaching a minimum, and it is easier to achieve this goal by using the Hessian with mini-batches. In this article, the Hessian is combined with mini-batches for neural network tuning. The discussed algorithm is applied for electrical demand prediction. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Novel nonlinear hypothesis for the Delta Parallel Robot modeling

In previous investigations, the nonlinear hypothesis use the linear bounded maps. Nonlinear hypothesis are described as the combination of the first order terms, and after of the mentioned combination, one bounded map is applied to alter the result. This document proposes two nonlinear hypothesis which use different structures instead of using the linear bounded maps. They are termed as novel nonlinear hypothesis and second order nonlinear hypothesis and their goal is to improve the second order processes modeling. The proposed nonlinear hypothesis are described as the combination of the first order and second order terms. Since the delta parallel robot is a second order process, it is an excellent platform to prove the effectiveness of the two proposed hypothesis. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Trajectory tracking of the robot end effector for the minimally invasive surgeries

The surgery technology has been highly investigated, with the purpose to reach an efficient way of working in medicine. Consequently, robots with small tools have been incorporated in many kind of surgeries to reach the following improvements: the patient gets a faster recovery, the surgery is not invasive, and the robot can access to the body occult parts. In this article, an adaptive strategy for the trajectory tracking of the robot end effector is addressed; it consists of a proportional derivative technique plus an adaptive compensation. The proportional derivative technique is employed to reach the trajectory tracking. The adaptive compensation is employed to reach approximation of some unknown dynamics. The robot described in this study is employed in minimally invasive surgeries. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Unscented Kalman filter for learning of a solar dryer and a greenhouse

An unscented Kalman filter can be applied for the experimental learning of the solar dryer for oranges drying and the greenhouse for crop growth to know better the processes and to improve their performances. The contributions of this document are: a) an unscented Kalman filter is designed for the learning of nonlinear functions, b) the unscented Kalman filter is applied for the experimental learning of the two mentioned processes. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Structure Regulator for the Perturbations Attenuation in a Quadrotor

In this work, we study the structure regulator for the perturbations attenuation which is based on the infinite structure regulator. The structure regulator is able to attenuate the perturbations if the transfer function of the departures and perturbations has a numerical value almost equal to zero, and it does not require the perturbations to attenuate them. We apply the structure regulator and the infinite structure regulator to a quadrotor which maintains the horizontal position with respect to the earth for the step and sine perturbations. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Mínimos Cuadrados Recursivos para un Manipulador que Aprende por Demostración

En este trabajo, se desarrolla un sistema de control automatizado para permitir que un manipulador aprenda y planifique las trayectorias a partir de las demostraciones dadas por la mano de un usuario. La entrada de datos es adquirida por un sensor, y se aprende su comportamiento a través de un algoritmo de aprendizaje automático basado en los mínimos cuadrados recursivos. Se utiliza un perfil de trayectoria de interpoladores a tramos para evitar el movimiento impulsivo del manipulador. Se realiza el análisis de las cinemáticas directa e inversa para obtener los valores de las variables articulares para el manipulador. Se crea un modelo dinámico usando la formulación de Newton-Euler. Se aplica un control proporcional derivativo al sistema. Los sistemas de monitoreo y control se implementan en una plataforma embebida para fines de prueba. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Learning of operator hand movements via least angle regression to be teached in a manipulator

In this document, a control system is developed to allow a manipulator to learn and plan references from demonstrations given by an operator hand. Data entry is acquired by a sensor and is learned by the generalized learning model with least angle regression to create a desired reference in three dimensional space. A fifth reference profile is employed to smooth the desired reference. Direct and inverse kinematics are gotten to represent the transformation between the three dimensional space and each of the manipulator links. A dynamic model is gotten using Newton–Euler formulation. An evolving proportional derivative (PD) control is applied to get that the manipulator end effector follows the operator hand movements. The monitoring and control systems are implemented in an embedded platform for testing purposes. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Stabilization of the robotic arms

The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) a proportional-derivative controller with inverse dead-zone is addressed for the regulation of robotic arms, where the inputs dead-zone is cancelled with the inverse dead-zone, 2) stability of the mentioned technique is assured, and 3) the considered strategy is validated by two examples. click here for the most recent version of the paper

Trajectory planning and collisions detector for robotic arms

The major contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) the Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi (GJK) algorithm is a collisions detector algorithm, a modified Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi algorithm is presented, the proposed GJK algorithm uses a different distance, (2) some examples of GJK algorithm are presented, in the last example, the GJK distance algorithm is used to detect the collisions of a camera with its environment inside of a warehouse, the camera cannot cross any part of the structure of the warehouse, the camera needs to go around the structure, when the camera touches the structure, the camera goes to the right or to the left, (3) the time used in a cycle of work of the transelevator robotic arm is presented, it can be extended to other kind of robotic arms, (4) some examples of the time used in a cycle of work are presented, in the least example, the algorithm is used to control the time needed for the transelevator to go from one place to other one, (5) this paper presents a new trajectory planning algorithm which divides the trajectory in n periods, when n is equal to 2, the proposed algorithm is the same as other algorithms, but for n higher than 2, the proposed algorithm gives other optional trajectories, so the proposed algorithm lets the designer to take a better trajectory than with the previous algorithms, (6) some examples of the proposed trajectories planning algorithm are presented, in the least example, the proposed trajectory planning algorithm is used to control the movements of a transelevator inside of a warehouse. click here for the most recent version of the paper

A Transelevator Moving Inside of an Automatic Warehouse in Virtual Reality

In this research, it is simulated the computed movements of a transelevator inside of a warehouse in virtual reality. This transelevator can be used to move some load from the floor to the deposit, and from the deposit to the floor, or can be used move the load from one place of the deposit to another one. The virtual reality is simulated using the graphic designer Quest3D. It is presented the simulation of the system click here for the most recent version of the paper

Tesis dirigidas

Diseño y construcción de una plataforma de robots móviles de configuración (2,0) para tareas cooperativas

Autora: Laura Sánchez Rodriguez Descargar el trabajo de tesis

Diseño de dos configuraciones de péndulos invertidos

Autor: Kevin Uriel Villa Rosas Descargar el trabajo de tesis

Construcción de un módulo didáctico para el análisis de señales analógicas con PLC

Autor: Jonathan García Tellez Descargar el trabajo de tesis